Product description
Striped agate beads in the shape of a ball, matte and colored. Their main property is to stimulate the free expression of creative energy.
Lace agate is associated with the crazy waving of colorful ruffles by Mexican dancers. You can find it under the name crazy lace or "crazy" agate and is worn by those who love joy and merriment. It is a stone that lifts the spirits and encourages optimism. Its elegant design of random lace creates a circular energy flow that stimulates the mind and mood. It is also called the "stone of laughter", but of course laughter is a constant companion of the nimble mind and good mood. For those who suffer from emotional pain, it can alleviate the condition by helping them accept the situation. They also say that if you put lace agate under a cobweb it will attract happy moments in love. COLORING - Agate is a porous mineral that easily absorbs various pigments. The different layers of the stone have different absorbency due to their different composition and structure. Another ability of the stone is to change its color when heated. This creates a huge field for creative expression, which is why today there is a whole industry for the production of chemically colored stones. The art of agate painting has been known since Roman times. It is durable, irreversible and is accepted as a normal practice to improve its characteristics.