Enrich your creative projects with this textile bouquet in a beautiful cyclamen color. With interwoven pearls and crystals for added elegance and glamour, these flowers will bring sophistication and style to any card, album or decorative project.
• The Floral Textile Bouquet with Pearls and Crystals is a beautiful and sophisticated decorative addition designed to bring magic and sophistication to any artificial creation. This set of six handmade flowers, measuring 35x110 mm, provides an unparalleled experience of beauty and elegance.
• You could make a variety of art works, such as handmade cards, albums and others. Their brilliant hues create a play of light that makes every bouquet even more attractive.
• These flowers are the perfect detail that will inspire your creativity and turn your projects into true works of art. Whether you use them to create special gifts or to frame memory albums, these bouquet will add a sophisticated and unique finish to any creative enterprise.
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