Felting is likely one of the oldest forms of fabric production, long before weaving and knitting. EM ART offers felt in various colors and thicknesses, with which you can unleash your imagination and create unique decorations. Order online.
There are soft and hard felt Hard felt is similar to paper, and its properties greatly facilitate the work of the craftsman: it is easy to cut, does not unravel and is flexible. Needlework felt does not have a wrong side, so it can be glued and sewn on both sides. Hard felt keeps its shape well, but is not suitable for creating voluminous details. It is a wonderful choice for making flat toys that have no volume, such as textbooks, cubes, appliques. Also, hard felt is an excellent material for sewing baby toys - the stitching in the hard felt will not unravel, the felt itself will not unravel, the toys will be durable and resistant, and it can be washed often. • Washable and ironing; • Does not change its shape and color after washing; • Does not stretch; • Does not unravel; • Has excellent wear resistance.
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