Mixed Gemstone Beads for Jewelry Making
Here are some of the names of the less popular but highly intriguing gemstones that we offer in this section: Ametrine, Aniolyte, Apalite, Bronzite, Variscite Jaspilite, Snake, Morganite, Mocaite, Marble, Prenit, Pyrite, Rhodochroite Zodiac Serpentine, Chalcedony and Volcanic Lava. They all have unique qualities.
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Colored Magnesite In Gold, Measuring 8-12 Mm And Approximately 80 Cm In Length

Colored Magnesite In Silver, Measuring 8-12 Mm And Approximately 80 Cm In Length

Azurite Ribbed Cylinder, 5~7x8~12 mm, Strand, Natural Stones, 33~35 pieces

String of Natural Chip Stone Beads RHODOCHROSITE Grade A, 5-7 mm ~80 cm

String of Natural Chip Stone Beads MAGNESITE Grade A, 8-12 mm ~ 90 cm

String of Natural Chip Stone Beads MARBLE, 8-12 mm ~ 90 cm

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TERAHERTZ, Ball: 10 mm ~ 40 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Imitation MORGANITE (Nephrite and Chalcedony), Ball: 10 mm ~ 38 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TRIDACNA First Quality, Ball: 6 mm ~ 65 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural YOOPERLITE - UV Reactive SODALITE-SYENITE, Ball: 8 mm ~ 46 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PETERSITE, Ball: 8 mm ~ 48 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural APATITE Grade A, Ball: 10 mm ~ 39 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PETERSITE, Ball: 6 mm ~ 62 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural YOPERLITE - UV Reactive SODALITE-SYENITE, Ball: 10 mm ~ 37 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TRIDACNA First Quality, Ball: 8~8.5 mm ~ 45~50 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural RUBY ZOISITE, Ball: 10 mm ~ 37 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PYRITE, Ball: 4 mm ~ 92 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads SELENITE, Ball: 6 mm ~ 60 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TERAHERTZ, Ball: 6 mm ~ 65 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural APATITE Grade A, Ball: 6 mm ~ 60 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Imitation APATITE, Ball: 10 mm ~ 38 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PYRITE, Ball: 6 mm ~ 63 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TERAHERTZ, Ball: 8 mm ~ 50 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PYRITE, Ball: 10 mm ~ 38 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TRIDACNA First Quality, Ball: 10 mm ~ 40 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads TERAHERTZ, Ball: 4 mm ~ 100 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads DUMORTIERITE Grade A, Ball: 4 mm ~ 84 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural PYRITE, Ball: 8 mm ~ 48 pieces

String of Natural Stone Beads AZURITE-MALACHITE, Ball: 4 mm ~ 85 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads DUMORTIERITE Grade A, Ball: 6 mm ~ 58 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads SELENITE, Ball: 10 mm ~ 37 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads Natural RUBY ZOISITE, Ball: 8 mm ~ 46 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads DUMORTIERITE Grade A, Ball: 8 mm ~ 45 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Green ~ 125 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads - AMETRINE / Faceted Ball: 2.3~2.5 mm ~ 175 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads - PREHNITE / Faceted Ball: 3 mm ~ 165 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Multicolored ~ 135 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Color: Caramel ~ 140 pieces

String of Semi-Precious Stone Beads - PREHNITE / Faceted Ball: 2 mm ~ 185 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Light Green ~ 130 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Purple ~ 135 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Light Purple ~ 130 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Pink ~ 130 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Orange ~ 130 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Color: Blanch Almond ~ 125 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / Yellow ~ 125 pieces

String of Natural Semi-Precious Stone Beads ZIRCONIUM / Faceted Ball: 3 mm, Hole: 0.5 mm / White ~ 125 pieces
Other Semi-Precious Stones – The Variety You Need
In the world of crystals and semi-precious stones, there is a vast variety that only the power of nature can offer. Beyond the widely known crystals, many varieties may not be as popular but harbor powerful mystical energies.
Varieties and Their Properties
Ametrine is a color variety of macrocrystalline quartz. Its colors can range from pale purple to deep violet with golden or brown streaks, which are actually traces of iron. What distinguishes ametrine from amethyst and citrine is the oxidized iron it contains. Natural ametrine is rare, as deposits are found in very few places around the world. Ametrine is considered a birthstone for those born in February and November. It is suitable for Pisces and Cancer.
The name of this beautiful crystal comes from the word "anyoli," meaning "green." Its stunning colors make it an excellent choice for jewelry making. The stone carries the life energy of positive emotions, stimulating feelings of happiness, gratitude, and compassion. The largest deposits of this stone have been found in India.
This delicate crystal is highly valued by collectors due to its rarity. Interestingly, apatite is formed from the same mineral that makes up bones and teeth in the human body. It is considered a stone of divine manifestation, helping people recognize problems early. Wearing jewelry made from this incredible creation of nature will boost your motivation for success, eliminating negative feelings caused by insecurity.
Although you might overlook this stone in its natural state, polished bronzite is incredibly beautiful with its golden flecks. Historical records suggest that ancient Romans ground this stone into powder to be used in potions for protection against mental illness. Bronzite was also known in the Middle Ages as a means to balance nervous impulses. To this day, some believe bronzite promotes clear thinking and politeness. If you need a confidence boost, this stone is for you. It is considered a universal stone, not tied to any specific birth month, but it holds magnetic power for Leo.
The typical green hues of this stone are due to the chromium and vanadium impurities in its composition. However, you might also find streaks of iron, giving it reddish or violet highlights. Scientific studies suggest that humans have known about this crystal for over 6,000 years, with evidence found in Neolithic beads made from variscite in France. Before it was studied, it was known as callainite, a term still used in archaeological history. With its characteristic green color, this stone embodies the power of the Earth and is associated with attracting wealth and material benefits. It aids brain function and alleviates stress, making it ideal for Gemini and Taurus.
This curious stone with a resonant name has a history older than the world itself. According to legend, when Adam bit into the apple in Eden and realized his mistake, he spat out the bite, and instead of an apple piece, a piece of serpentine fell from his mouth. This gives it the alternative name "Adam’s Stone," linking serpentine to temptation and sin. In other cultures, this stone is believed to protect against snake and insect bites.
This stunning stone is a variety of beryl. Depending on the impurities in its composition, it can be pale pink, peach, yellow, or violet. It is also known as the "Pink Emerald." Morganite is used for crafting engagement rings due to its delicate feminine hues. In ancient times, it was used as a rain magnet. In alternative medicine, it is used to treat eye conditions, lymphatic issues, and liver problems.
Have you ever found yourself endlessly procrastinating on tedious tasks? If the answer is yes, then you need mookaite in your collection of healing crystals. It will help you concentrate and complete your tasks with ease. It’s a powerful aid in resolving complicated situations.
Its golden color has attracted the attention of gemstone enthusiasts for centuries. It is often mistaken for gold, which explains its other name, "Fool’s Gold." This stone carries an energy charge that will help you get rid of worries, fear, and despair. It’s no surprise that those born under the royal sign of Leo feel particularly drawn to the brilliance of this stone.
All these fascinating semi-precious stones, including favorites like rock crystal, moonstone, and tiger’s eye, can be found in the "Natural Stones" category on our newly updated website.
Why Choose EM ART?
At EM ART, you will find each of these semi-precious stones, carefully collected into beautiful strands of varying sizes and colors. We also offer rhodochrosite, morganite, prehnite, mother-of-pearl beads, and many others. Our prices vary based on the quantity and type of beads, but we always aim to keep them affordable and accessible.
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The listed healing properties are intended as a supplementary aid and do not replace professional medical advice or treatment. EM ART is not responsible for the effectiveness of alternative therapies.