Baby Shower and Christening Party Accessories
Baby christening and baby shower are cherished family celebrations that mark precious life milestones! At EM ART, we’ve carefully curated a collection of versatile christening and baby shower decorations and memorable items to make your special day truly magical. Browse our handpicked selection of christening-themed items and create lasting memories with our beautiful baby shower party accessories.
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Plastic baby bottle-shaped box for decoration, measuring 80x70 mm in pink color

Wooden house for decoration, 85x80x60 mm, pink color

Baby bottle, moneybox, plastic, 360x180 mm, set with 30 small bottles, 85x40 mm, pink color.

Wooden house for decoration, 85x80x60 mm, color blue

Plastic box with decoration, 58x45 mm, color pink

Plastic baby bottle box for decoration, 80x70 mm, blue color

Safety pin, plastic for decoration, 63x22 mm, color blue - 4 pieces

Plastic Safety pin for decoration, 63x22 mm, color pink - 4 pieces

Plastic baby bottle with blue decoration, measuring 50x85 mm

Plastic baby bottle with decoration, 50x85 mm, color pink

Plastic cake box with decoration, 65x46 mm, color blue

Plastic cake box with decoration, 65x46 mm, color pink

Plastic box in the shape of an egg with decoration, 67x56 mm, color blue

Plastic box in the shape of an egg with decoration, 67x56 mm, color pink

Plastic box with decoration, 58x45 mm, blue color

Metal baby stroller with decoration, 90x70x50 mm, blue color

Plastic and metal box with decoration, 65x40 mm, blue color

A pink plastic and metal box with decorative elements, measuring 65x40 mm

Metal baby carriage with decoration, 90x70x50 mm, pink color

DIY Decoration Set: Felt Baby Stroller Clips - 2 Pieces

Greeting Card with Envelope - Happy Birth / 15.5x10.5 cm - 1 piece

Cardboard Folding Box for baby with feets 6x6x6 cm color pink

Cardboard Folding Box for a Baby Girl Gift 12x8.5x14 cm

Cardboard Folding Gift Box with a Unicorn 8x3x14 cm

Cardboard Folding Gift Box with Little baby feats 6x6x6 cm color light blue

Cardboard Folding Gift Box for a baby girl 5.7x5.7x13 cm

Cardboard folding box for a baby boy 12x8.5x14 cm

Cardboard Folding Box for baby boy 5.7x5.7x13 cm

Cardboard folding box for baby 6x6x6 cm purple color

Cardboard folding box for baby girls 6x6x6 cm pink color

2 Parts Plastic Transparent Pacifier with Blue Cap / 77x45 mm

Greeting Card with Envelope, Happy Christening / 15.5x10.5.2 cm - 1 piece

Mini Card for Children's Christening / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

New Baby Mini Congratulations Card / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

New Baby Mini Congratulations Card / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

Children's Mini Card for Name Day / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

Children's Mini Card for Birthday / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

Money envelope, 10x18 cm, Congratulations on the Baptism - 1 piece

Children's Mini Card for Birthday / 5.4x7.5 cm - 1 piece

"OUR MEMORIES" Paper DIY Book Kit for Photo Album Making, Scrapbooking, Happy Birthday Greeting Cards, etc., with 8 Patterned Sheets and materials for decorating

"Congratulations" Scrapbook Kit for Photo Album Making & Scrapbooking, Set Includes 15 paper sheets, tether design & various materials for decoration, 21x22 cm

"Happy Birthday" DIY Album Kit for Photo Album Making, Scrapbooking, Cards, etc., with 52 pieces, 32x34.5 cm

"Sweet Baby" DIY Scrapbook Kit, Gift Set for Photo Album Making & Scrapbooking, with 12 Patterned Papers, 22.5x26 cm

Craft Cardboard Tags with "Baby Girl" Inscription, 50x35 mm - 4 Pieces

Craft Cardboard Tags with "Baby Boy" Inscription, 50x35 mm - 4 Pieces
Baptism has similarities with the Jewish purification ritual of immersion in water, which is required, among other things, for conversion to Judaism. However, unlike baptism, this is a repeatable act, whereas baptism should be performed only once. In fact, the modern Jewish term for "baptism" is "Christian Tvila."
John the Baptist, considered a precursor of Christianity, used baptism as the central sacrament of his messianic movement. Apostle Paul distinguished between John’s baptism ("baptism of repentance") and baptism in the name of Jesus, raising the question of whether Christian baptism was in any way connected to John’s practices. Christians believe that Jesus established the sacrament of baptism.
What is the significance of baptism?
Although some form of immersion was probably the most common method of baptism in the early church, many early church writings considered the mode of baptism inconsequential. They explicitly stated that the amount of water used was irrelevant and defended the practices of immersion, affusion, and aspersion. As a result, there was no uniform or consistent mode of baptism in the early church before the fourth century.
By the third and fourth centuries, baptism involved catechetical instruction, chrismation, exorcism, laying on of hands, and reciting a creed.
In the early Middle Ages, infant baptism became common, and the ritual was significantly simplified. In Western Europe, affusion became the usual mode of baptism between the 12th and 14th centuries, although immersion was still practiced through the 16th century. During the medieval period, some radical Christians rejected the sacrament of baptism altogether.
Baptism is practiced in several different ways. Aspersion involves sprinkling water over the head, while affusion involves pouring water over the head.
The word "immersion" comes from the Late Latin “immersio,” a noun derived from the verb immergere (in - "into" + mergere "to dip"). In the context of baptism, some use it to refer to any form of immersion, whether the body is entirely submerged underwater or only partially immersed, speaking of immersion as complete or partial.
Others, according to Anabaptist beliefs, use "immersion" to mean exclusively the act of completely submerging someone below the water’s surface. The term "immersion" is also used for a form of baptism where water is poured over someone standing in water without submerging the person.
When "immersion" is contrasted with "affusion," it refers to the form of baptism where the candidate stands or kneels in water while water is poured over the upper part of the body. Immersion, in this sense, was used in both the West and East, at least since the 2nd century, and is the form commonly depicted in early Christian art. In the West, this method of baptism began to be replaced by affusion around the 8th century, though it continued to be practiced in Eastern Christianity.
In the Latin Church of the Catholic Church, baptism by immersion is used in the Ambrosian Rite and is one of the methods provided in the Roman Ritual for the baptism of infants. It is considered mandatory among some groups arising after the Protestant Reformation, such as Baptists.
Baptism through different perspectives
Views on the effect of baptism vary among Christians. Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and most mainline Protestant groups assert that baptism is a requirement for salvation and a sacrament, referring to it as the "baptismal regeneration." Its significance is tied to their interpretation of the meaning of the "Mystical Body of Christ," as found in the New Testament.
Put simply, Baptism’s power, effect, benefit, fruit, and purpose is to save us. No one is baptized to become a prince, but as the saying goes, "to be saved." Being saved means, as we know, nothing other than being delivered from sin, death, and the devil, entering Christ’s kingdom, and living with Him forever.
For Roman Catholics, baptism with water is a sacrament of initiation into the life of God’s children. It configures the individual to Christ and obligates Christians to participate in the Church’s apostolic and missionary activities. Catholics recognize three types of baptism that can lead to salvation: sacramental baptism (with water), baptism of desire (explicit or implicit desire to be part of the Church founded by Jesus Christ), and baptism of blood (martyrdom).
The baptism liturgy for Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Methodists makes explicit references to baptism not only as a symbolic burial and resurrection but as an actual supernatural transformation. It draws parallels to Noah’s experience and the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites led by Moses.
Thus, baptism is literally and symbolically purifying, dying, and rising again with Christ. Catholics believe baptism is necessary to cleanse the stain of original sin, which is why they often baptize infants.
What does baptism mean?
Have you ever thought about being baptized but have too many unanswered questions?
At EM ART, we’d be delighted to help you understand more about this important step in your journey of following Jesus by providing you with more information about baptism.
Why consider baptism for yourself or your child?
Following Christ:
To understand the reason for water baptism, it’s important to consider carefully what the Bible says about it. Jesus Himself was baptized. Though sinless, He humbled Himself in obedience to identify with us and set an example for us to follow.
At that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in Jordan. As soon as He came out of the water, He saw heaven torn open and the Spirit of God descending on Him like a dove. Along with the Spirit came a voice: "You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love, the pride of my life."
An Act of Obedience:
Water baptism is an act of faith and obedience to Christ’s commands.
EM ART ideas for baptism decorations
Baptism themes are limitless with our materials. An elephant or bunny theme would be ideal for a child who loves animals. One of the sweetest baptism party ideas we recommend is a charming angel-themed celebration that will be a cherished memory for your family and friends.
Wooden baby figurines: There’s something inexplicably delightful about these figurines, specially offered for you. This theme offers numerous ideas for baptism decor.
Neutral colors: Elegant, neutral-themed baptisms may seem challenging since pink and blue are so common. But don’t give up! You’ll find bright primary colors, muted greens, and yellows at EM ART stores.
EM ART materials can give a classic look to your baptism party. Decorations in pink or blue can also be easily accomplished with our extensive range of products specially designed for your baptism celebration.
- Pendants
- Beads
- Punchers
- Decoupage napkins
- Silicone molds
- Baby accessories
- Gift packaging and more
All our baptism theme ideas will lend a magnificent and traditional touch to your baptism decorations and table settings.
Your invitations can either match the baby baptism decorations you’ve chosen or be entirely different. Remember that close friends and family will treasure invitations to your baby’s baptism, so trust EM ART to help you craft perfect, handmade invitations using our extensive range of materials.
Personalized invitations with materials from our stores would also be perfect for any other occasion!
Baptism table decorations
A large neutral room in a hall can be difficult to decorate and significantly impact your guests. Use the tables to add color, patterns, and textures and make your decorations look stunning!
Ideas for baptism table decorations can be applied to tablecloths, tableware, centerpieces, and confetti using decoupage napkins from EM ART.
If the room is huge, then set up tables in only half the space to create a cozier feel.
Baptism plates, napkins, and cups look amazing in the same theme. Decorate your tables with the wonderful options of decorative ribbons or baby decor accessories from EM ART.
When determining how many baptism plates you need, don’t forget to include plenty of spares for buffet displays and serving snacks.
A stunning centerpiece is the best decoration for a baptism table to give your guests the "Wow" effect for your celebration.
For elegant baptism party decorations, choose vases with flowers or potted plants decorated with ribbons, beads, and pendants.
If one of your baptism ideas involves teddy bears, then get large matching teddy bears, tie big bows in your color theme around their necks, and place them in the center of each table.
If you’d like to give your guests a small gift to commemorate the occasion, opt for our silicone molds for baptism. Use them for confectionery, making decorative candles, and much more to gift your guests. These are wonderful options.
A cake surrounded by baptism decorations will create a focal point in the room. A simple two-tier cake, frosted in white or cream, can be decorated to match the baptism party theme and coordinate with the baptism table centerpieces.
Looking for a stunning way to celebrate this precious occasion? Incorporate ethereal elements like wreath branches and foil to celebrate your child’s baptism. Personalize it with pastel shades of pink, green, or lavender.
Invitation for a Girl’s Baptism
A pink background is traditional for a girl’s baptism and can be personalized with additional colors like lavender, peach, or light blue. You can also swap background colors for an image background, like a field of flowers or clouds in the sky.
Your invitation can be delicate, feminine, bold, elegant, or something in between. Whatever approach you choose, ensure it’s a design you’ll cherish for years to come.
Invitation for a Boy’s Baptism
Celebrate a boy’s childhood with a playful take on traditionally masculine colors. Instead of bold blues and deep navy, consider soft pastel shades of blue, gray, and green. Add accent colors like orange or yellow and embellish with images or design elements that complement his personality. If you have a portrait you’d like to feature, upload it to serve as the focal point of your design.
At EM ART physical stores, as well as our online store, you can quickly and affordably find a variety of items suitable for your baptism. We offer a wide selection of shapes, colors, and sizes of items that will transform your celebration into a true fairytale.
Ask us anything about your order and delivery. Don’t forget to visit the special EM ART blog for more ideas and inspiration for your projects.